In September 2023, AfrIPEN hosted its 4th conference at Balo Lodge, Malawi under the theme “IPECP: Are we making a difference in Africa?” This hybrid conference showcased the exciting work of educators, researchers, students and community members on various aspects of IPECP. The event was marked by shared experiences, laughter and forging of new connections and partnerships. This special issue collates some of the accepted papers and short communications presented at the conference.

Published: 2024-08-06

Virtual interprofessional education for the African continent: AFRI-VIPE

M Showstark, A C Wiss, D Joosten‐Hagye, E M Sappio, M Slusser, R Cavezza, N Nyathi, C N Nyoni, G C Filies, J Pattershall‐Geide, E Embry, E Zschaebitz, P Mcginnis, C Resnik, I An, F Delawala, H Pitout, L Schweickerdt, J Muller, L Africa, A Kholvadia, T Ntsekhe, L Tshotetsi, E Ricks, P Biernacki
