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on historical medical records and claims data, has been estimated to
be between 139 and 213 cases per 100000 persons, and the prevalence
in the UK, estimated from a population‑based cohort, to be 566 cases
per 100000 women and 485 per 100000 men.[3,4] e prevalence of
bronchiectasis in these settings is increased in older persons and in
women, patterns that are also consistent with data from Germany, Spain
and Singapore.[5‑7] e highest prevalence estimates of bronchiectasis are
reported in China, where there are 1 200 cases per 100000 population
>40 years of age.[8] In India, as in other parts of the world where post‑
infectious bronchiectasis predominates, patients with bronchiectasis
were signicantly younger and more likely to be male compared with
their counterparts in the US and UK, even aer accounting for the
generally older general population demographics of the latter.[9,10] e
methods used to establish these prevalence gures vary considerably,
and population‑based studies from Africa are conspicuously lacking.
The finding that post‑TB lung disease is a leading cause of
bronchiectasis in this Johannesburg cohort is consistent with the
conclusion made by a recent systematic review, which identied post‑
infectious bronchiectasis as the most common identiable cause of non‑
cystic bronchiectasis in adults.[9] In Asia, for example, more than two‑
thirds of adult bronchiectasis was attributable to prior TB, consistent
with the ndings of Titus etal. It is now widely accepted that post‑TB
lung disease is underestimated, underdiagnosed and under‑reported.
Successful TB treatment is narrowly dened as the achievement of
bacteriological cure or the completion of treatment, irrespective of
permanent and/or progressive functional decits resulting from an
episode of TB. The large number of people who have survived an
episode of TB represent a population vulnerable and susceptible to
chronic respiratory disease, and their numbers will continue to increase
until TB is eradicated. e current paradigm of perceiving an episode of
TB as a discrete life event is challenged by estimates suggesting that an
average of 3.6 potential years of life are lost aer a fully treated episode
of tuberculosis, and that TB survivors bear an excess mortality burden
compared with risk‑matched controls who have never had TB.[11‑13]
e incidence of bronchiectasis following an episode of TB has been
found to range from 16% to 65%, and superimposition by other bacterial
infections is a potential risk factor for the development of bronchiectasis.
[14] In a well‑characterised cohort from Malawi, bronchiectasis developed
in 44% of people who completed TB treatment.[15] Given that 54 million
people have been treated for TB since the year 2000 globally, and that
there are an estimated 300000 new cases of TB in SA each year,[16] the
implications for bronchiectasis are staggering.
e aetiological spectrum of bronchiectasis in SA and other low‑ and
middle‑income settings is to be contrasted with that in Europe, North
America and Australia, where idiopathic bronchiectasis predominates
and post‑TB bronchiectasis is exceedingly rare. ese dierences present
major limitations to generalising research ndings, care strategies and
clinical guidelines across settings, and emphasise the importance of
generating local data. Few, if any, of the recommendations in the timely
South African oracic Society position statement on the management
of non‑cystic brosis bronchiectasis were based on high‑quality local
or regional evidence.[17]
The roles of inhaled corticosteroids, bronchodilators,
immunomodulators, mucoactive agents, targeted eradication therapy,
suppression of
colonising pathogens, and airway clearance techniques
are particularly dicult to evaluate in post‑TB bronchiectasis owing
to the pathological heterogeneity of the disease. TB bronchitis,
bronchial obstruction by regional lymphadenopathy, and traction
bronchiectasis from neighbouring parenchymal brosis all contribute
to the total burden of post‑TB bronchiectasis, but are unlikely to
respond uniformly to therapeutic interventions. In contrast to the
common use of inhaled corticosteroids in the cohort reported by Titus
etal., most guidelines recommend against the use of inhaled steroids
for bronchiectasis unless there is coexisting asthma, owing to their
association with increased exacerbation frequency, mycobacterial
infection and mortality.[18‑20]
The work by Titus et al. reminds us that without local
epidemiological data, it is difficult to advocate for the resources
needed to develop context‑specic preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic
and care strategies for patients with the disease. In particular,we
need a greater focus on primary and adjunctive treatment options
(including host‑directed therapies) for tuberculosis aimed at limiting
the development of post‑TB lung disease in the rst instance. For
those now living with post‑TB bronchiectasis and other forms of post‑
infectious bronchiectasis, we need therapeutic trials or high‑quality
cohort data to establish the usefulness of bronchodilators, inhaled
corticosteroids, and macrolide therapy. Even the well‑intentioned
universal application of airway clearance techniques with nebulised
saline brings substantial direct and indirect costs to patients and
health services, and we should interrogate whether those costs are
outweighed by the assumed benets in our patients, especially those
with dry bronchiectasis.In pursuing this work, the authors have issued
a call for greater commitment to advancing locally relevant science
aimed at informing the care of patients with neglected respiratory
diseases in our setting.
Rubeshan Perumal, MB ChB, MMed (Int Med), MPhil, MPH, PhD,
FCP (SA), Cert Pulmonology (SA)
Department of Pulmonology and Critical Care, Division of Internal Medicine,
School of Clinical Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-
Natal, Durban, South Africa; Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in
South Africa, Durban, South Africa
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