International humanitarian laws: Applicable to all or a privilege for some?

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S Mahomed


There is an intrinsic connection between genocide and colonialism where both concepts are in close proximity and are based on the logic of elimination. The fact that an active genocide of the Palestinian people continues in 2024 is extremely disturbing. A plethora of human rights laws and principles complement and reinforce the protections afforded under international humanitarian law. These laws were developed in order to prevent historical atrocities from repeating themselves. As history is re-written, it is submitted that these laws, while good on paper, are not being put into practice in the case of Palestine. This article reflects on the application of specific international humanitarian laws, namely protecting healthcare, preserving nutrition and safeguarding children during times of conflict, and analyses how these protections are being flouted in the case of Gaza.

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International humanitarian laws: Applicable to all or a privilege for some?. (2024). South African Journal of Bioethics and Law, 17(1), e2058.
Research Articles

How to Cite

International humanitarian laws: Applicable to all or a privilege for some?. (2024). South African Journal of Bioethics and Law, 17(1), e2058.


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