Factors influencing the perinatal outcomes of teenage deliveries in a regional hospital in KwaZulu‐Natal Province, South Africa

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F Fodo
T Hariram


Background. Teenage pregnancy is a global problem and is associated with maternal and neonatal complications. Developing countries show a rising prevalence in teenage pregnancies. A limited number of studies have investigated perinatal outcomes within the pregnant teenage population.
Objectives. To describe and analyse the effect of maternal factors on perinatal outcomes of teenage pregnancies.

Methods. Data were collected retrospectively from the labour ward and neonatal admission registers of a regional hospital in South Africa over a 6-month period in 2018. Teenagers between 10 and 19 years of age, who delivered at the institution, were included in the study. Maternal factors were analysed for the risk of a complicated perinatal outcome, which was defined as either stillbirth or live neonate requiring admission to the neonatal nursery. A secondary analysis was conducted on the risk of stillbirth, prematurity and low birthweight (LBW).

Results. The prevalence of teenage deliveries was 15.6% (n=707/4 519). One-fifth (20%) of teenagers were ≤16 years old. Complicated perinatal outcomes were present in 19.5% of deliveries and were associated with a lack of antenatal care (ANC) and emergency caesarean section (CS). Unbooked teenagers had a ten-fold higher chance of delivering a stillbirth and were three times more likely to deliver an LBW baby. Maternal complications were also associated with LBW. Age, parity and HIV status did not show any statistically significant difference in perinatal outcomes.

Conclusion. The prevalence of teenage pregnancy was high in our cohort. Lack of ANC, maternal complications and emergency CS in teenagers were associated with adverse perinatal outcomes.

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How to Cite
Factors influencing the perinatal outcomes of teenage deliveries in a regional hospital in KwaZulu‐Natal Province, South Africa. (2024). South African Journal of Child Health, 18(1), e2014. https://doi.org/10.7196/SAJCH.2024.v18i1.2014

How to Cite

Factors influencing the perinatal outcomes of teenage deliveries in a regional hospital in KwaZulu‐Natal Province, South Africa. (2024). South African Journal of Child Health, 18(1), e2014. https://doi.org/10.7196/SAJCH.2024.v18i1.2014


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