Published: 2024-12-12
Clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic parameters suggestive of Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) at a tertiary hospital in South Africa
Quality Of Neonatal Cranial Ultrasound Interpretation Among Doctors in The Western Cape Metro: A Clinical Survey
Parenting experiences of parents of children with ADHD, in grades one to three, during the COVID-19 lockdown in South Africa
Diagnostic Utility of Lung Ultrasound in Preterm Neonates with Respiratory Distress at a Tertiary Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in South Africa
Assessing Iron Deficiency anemia in paediatric congenital heart disease at a tertiary hospital in Eastern Uganda.
Extended length of stay in children admitted to a quaternary orthopaedic ward with suspected non-accidental injury
Cavernous Haemangioma causing High Output Cardiac Failure in a Neonate
Combination of Aripiprazole and Valproate in Children with Tic Disorders: Case Series