Review Articles
Review articles should always be discussed with the Editor prior to submission.
Guideline word limit: 4 000 words
These are welcome, but should be either commissioned or discussed with the Editor before submission. A review article should provide a clear, up-to-date account of the topic and be aimed at non-specialist hospital doctors and general practitioners. They should be aligned to practice in South and/or sub-Saharan Africa and not a précis of reviews published in the international literature
Please ensure that your article includes:
• Abstract: unstructured, of about 100-150 words, explaining the review and why it is important
• Methods: Outline the sources and selection methods, including search strategy and keywords used for identifying references from online bibliographic databases. Discuss the quality of evidence.
• When writing: clarify the evidence you used for key statements and the strength of the evidence. Do not present statements or opinions without such evidence, or if you have to, say that there is little or no evidence and that this is opinion. Avoid specialist jargon and abbreviations, and provide advice specific to southern Africa.
• Personal details: Please supply your qualifications, position and affiliations and MP number (used for CPD points); address, and your e-mail address; and a short personal profile (50 words) and a few words about your current fields of interest.