Factors associated with advanced HIV in the Tshwane District drainage area: A protocol for a cross-sectional analytical study
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Background. HIV continues to be a global pandemic. Despite significant achievements in reaching the global 95-95-95 targets, advanced HIV disease (AHD) continues to contribute to substantial morbidity and mortality, with 600 000 deaths worldwide in 2022 including 51 000 in South Africa (SA). The patient demographic has shifted from antiretroviral therapy (ART)-naïve individuals to those facing treatment interruptions or non-adherence.
Objective. To explore the factors associated with AHD in patients within the Tshwane District drainage area, SA, where high treatment coverage has not fully curbed mortality rates.
Method. This cross-sectional analytical study employs both quantitative and qualitative methods, utilising structured questionnaires and blood samples to assess ART levels, specifically dolutegravir. A minimum of 10 participants will undergo semi-structured interviews to explore their treatment experiences. Quantitative data will be analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, while qualitative data will be examined through thematic analysis.
Conclusion. This research aims to enhance the understanding of AHD-related factors to inform effective interventions and policies for HIV care.
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How to Cite
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