
Guidelines should always be discussed with the Editor prior to submission.

Because of the intensive review process required to ensure Guidelines are independent, evidence-based and free from commercial bias, they are usually published as a supplement to the SAMJ, the costs of which must be covered by sponsorship, advertising or payment by the guideline authors/association. We will provide a quote based on the expected length of the guideline and whether it is to appear online only, or in print, which must be accepted by the body putting the guidelines together before submitting the work to the SAMJ.


The Editor reserves the right to determine the scheduling of supplements. Understandably, a delay in publication must be anticipated dependent upon editorial workflow.

All guidelines should include a clear, transparent statement about all sources of funding and an explicit, clear statement of conflicts of interest of any of the participants in the guidelines about industry funding for lectures, research, conference participation etc. 

All guidelines should be structured according to Agree II.

Please access this website before putting the guidelines together, download the Agree 11 instrument and use this to put the guidelines together.

All submitted guidelines will be sent to the local Agree II appraisal committee for review and must be endorsed by an appropriate body prior to consideration and all conflicts of interest expressed.

A structured abstract not exceeding 400 words (recommended sub-headings: Background, Recommendations, Conclusion) is required. Sections and sub-sections must be numbered consecutively (e.g. 1. Introduction; 1.1 Definitions; 2.etc.) and summarised in a Table of Contents.