SAMJ Vol. 114 no. 12

					View SAMJ Vol. 114 no. 12


The synergistic health syndemic of HIV and cancer of the cervix in women living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: Decrying the dearth of information 


The dawn of preventing respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infections in children

Cyberattack on the National Health Laboratory Service of South Africa – implications, response and recommendations


Exploring the role of district clinical specialist teams in maternal health outcomes in a South African district

Post-colonoscopy colorectal cancers in privately insured patients in South Africa

The management and clinical outcome of paracetamol poisoning in South African adults

Impact of pharmacist-prescriber partnerships to track antibiotic prescribing in publicly funded primary care

Prevalence, associated factors, management and outcomes of hypokalaemia in hospitalised patients

Paediatric nephroblastoma at a South African tertiary hospital: A 21-year retrospective analysis

Tobacco control research in South Africa from 1978 to 2022: A scoping review

Published: 2024-11-29
