Background. Globally, medical students experience a low level of well-being, high levels of distress and burnout.
Objective. To evaluate the well-being of fourth year students in the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MB BCh) degree at the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS).
Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 333 fourth year MB BCh students at WITS in 2023. The minimum sample size was 179 (95% CI, p<0.05). The students completed an online questionnaire using the Medical Students Well-being Index (MSWBI). Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify predictors of severe distress.
Results. The response rate was 53.75%. Most participants were distressed (97.06%) and many (74.71%) severely distressed. Several factors were associated with distress, including sex, age, funding, underutilisation of mental health resources, lack of faculty support, preferred time off and perception of the academic content. Predictors of severe distress were age, school leavers, perceived distress, exercise and feelings about grades. Discussion. We found higher levels of distress than reported in other developing countries. More than half (53.57%) of the participants were depressed, which is notably higher than the 36.4% previously reported in another South African study. Participants who self-identified as distressed were more than five times more likely to be severely distressed, however, mental health resources are still severely underutilised.
Conclusion. This study provided insight into the distress levels among fourth year MB BCh students at WITS and the contributing factors. Early intervention during the students’ pre-clinical years of training is crucial and would benefit both the students and the future patients under their care.
This study was able to provide insight into the level of distress in South African medical students, as well as the factors contributing to their distress. Further research can be aimed to assess the wellbeing of students in the clinical phase of medical training.
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