Joint Examination Moderation, Benefits and Challenges; Experience from the Lake Zone and Western Zone Health Training Institutions in Tanzania.

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H Jaka
M Mansi
A Tuwa
C Gigwa
S Marube
F Mtewele
A A Buyungu
V Minde
F M Lyimo


Background: Initially in Tanzania context, each health training institute in Lake Zone and western zone was conducting its own examination moderation. The ministry of health through all zones has started efforts to establish joint examination moderation as part of the effort to improve examination process.

Objective. To explore about the benefits, and challenges of joint examination moderation in the Lake Zone and western zone of Tanzania

Methods. This research was designed as both quantitative and qualitative studies that made use semi structured questionnaire to collect data among the examination moderators from 15 government health training in Lake Zone and western zone health resources Centre.

Results. All participants were 39 whereby the study reports almost half of the 21/39(53.8%) participants ranked the level of joint moderation to be high in scale.

All of the participants listed many benefits of joint examination moderation including standardization of examination, use of assessment plan and computer skills, team work, and networking. Few challenges were encountered by participants during moderation, including poor setting of examination papers inadequate time for examination moderation, limited related task for semester 1 in the assessment plan. Moreover, submitted incomplete examination papers, lack of reference materials, regular power cut, were other few challenges encountered.

Conclusion: The study has demonstrated high level of joint examination moderation as reported by half of the moderators.


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Joint Examination Moderation, Benefits and Challenges; Experience from the Lake Zone and Western Zone Health Training Institutions in Tanzania. (2025). African Journal of Health Professions Education, e2314.
Research Articles

How to Cite

Joint Examination Moderation, Benefits and Challenges; Experience from the Lake Zone and Western Zone Health Training Institutions in Tanzania. (2025). African Journal of Health Professions Education, e2314.


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